Finding Parallels Between Fruit and Life

How to Store Tea Leaves and Fruits

To preserve the freshness of tea leaves and fruits, it is important to store them in the right place. They will lose their flavor easily and quickly if you store the tea leaves and fruits in the wrong place. Even after using the tea leaves a few week after purchase, the tea leaves may still lose their taste. It is important to first learn how to store tea leaves and fruits before you buy them. The best thing to do is to buy a small amount of tea on a regular basis rather than purchasing large amounts of it. You will be able to consume the tea before it reaches its expiry date. When you choose to buy tea in large amounts, you should check the expiry dates first. The tea will lose its stale and taste when it reaches its expiry date and the only thing you will have to do is to throw it away. Whatever quality of tea you buy be keen to check the expiry dates so that you may enjoy the tea for an extended period.

Moisture, air, light and extreme heat should never come into contact with tea and fruits. Cool and dry places are the best areas to store tea leaves and fruits. Tea leaves may also be stored in containers that are airtight. You should store tea in ceramic jars or tins because they are the best. Direct sunlight should be avoided when you choose to store tea leaves in glass jars. The sunshine makes the tea leaves to fade, and this is the reason why tea is kept away from it.

The tea leaves have a little moisture, and if they are exposed to the air, they dry out, and that’s why those containers need to be airtight. To retain their freshness It is essential to make sure the tea leaves retain that little moisture. If they get exposed to the air or sun, the moisture may evaporate which in turn will make the leaves brittle. The dry tea leaves do not rehydrate hot water, and this makes them not to give their flavor.

Tea leaves are supposed to be used for about six months although some lose their flavor even after six months. There are some teas that take a short period before they lose their freshness and flavor like the green, white and yellow tea. If you would like to enjoy their taste and flavor before they spoil, you should buy them in small batches. Some teas remain fresh even after one year like the black tea. Storing tea in the right place won’t keep it fresh forever, and for this reason, you should always consume when its fresh because it has the best taste. Sheng Pu-erh is a type of tea that is stored for a more extended period it will taste better.

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